Skinceuticals Know What's Right For Your Blemishes

Skinceuticals Know What's Right For Your Blemishes

Simply put, a blemish is any type of mark on the skin. There are many different types of blemishes, each with its own cause and treatment. Many blemishes are absolutely harmless but can have a serious impact on body confidence. So, to ensure you feel your best in your skin, you can choose from the SkinCeuticals range of cream for blemishes to help your complexion shine.


Acne is a very common skin condition which causes spots to appear on the face, neck, chest, and back. It can be associated with changes in hormone levels, for example during menstruation, but can occur at any time. There are six main types of spots caused by acne: whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, nodules, and cysts. These generally occur when sebum (the oily substance on the surface of the skin) and dead skin cells block the pores, becoming trapped and irritated and causing spots on the surface of the skin. They can also be caused when hair follicles become infected with bacteria or inflamed. In order to help the appearance of acne, it's important to choose a cleanser which will purify the pores, exfoliating the skin and nourishing it to remove redness.

The Blemish and Age Cleanser Gel is designed to be used every day to cleanse the skin, removing excess sebum and make-up. It contains glycolic and salicylic acid which help to exfoliate the skin and smooth irregularities. This should be used twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Gently massage into the skin and rinse with tepid water before toning and moisturising. Follow this by using the daily moisture pot with an exclusive combination of vitamin E, nutrient-rich algae extracts, and botanical extracts. This reduces the appearance of pore sizes and restores moisture to the skin, making this an ideal cream for blemishes.


Hyperpigmentation is the name for darker spots on the skin's surface. These are caused when the skin's surface is exposed to pollutants such as UV rays, causing it to form brown, black, grey, or red spots or patches.

Phloretin CF gel is a vitamin C serum gel which helps to prevent free radical damage to the skin. It contains antioxidants and combines 2% phloretin, 10% vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid), and 0.5% ferulic acid to create a light gel which is ideal for normal and oily skin types. Its comforting formulation reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation, brightening the skin and creating a more vibrant complexion. This is also available as a serum and should be used after cleansing and toning.


Scars are marks left on the skin following the healing of a wound. There are many different types of scar and while most will fade over time, some types of scars may benefit from additional treatment to help reduce their appearance. The Advanced Scar control is a concentrated silicone gel which has been clinically proven to help improve the appearance of scars. It also helps to prevent new scars from forming.

Whatever your skin condition, we have a range of SkinCeuticals cream for blemishes to make sure that your skin is healthy and glowing and that you feel your best. You can explore the whole range here at Flawless Body.

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